Tuesday, October 15, 2013

{Happy 1/2 Birthday}

I am constantly amazed at how great our God is! Sometimes we can't see his plan while we are in the storm, but man, when we get out and look back and see His hand in it, that gives me chills!
October 15, 2010 started like any normal day, but by mid-morning, I had received a call that would change our lives. A little boy was being released from the children's hospital and needed a family to love him - and we were going to be that family. The day that Pauly B came into our lives was one of the best days of my life. The excitement of getting to meet him and hold him for the first time was a feeling that I can't explain. I really thought we were going to be able to adopt that little boy and was beyond devastated when he had to leave us, but what God had in store for us was beyond our comprehension!
Fast forward exactly 6 months - a fiery little boy was born and he was going to come live with us. I can honestly say that I've loved Isaac from the moment I laid on eyes on him, but it was a different love than I had for Pauly. When we met Isaac, our hearts were guarded. We fell too hard for our sweet Pauly, so we knew we had to keep a wall up because the odds were that Isaac was not going to stay with us. I didn't realize that Isaac was born 6 months to the day that we got Pauly, and it's because technically we were in a whole new storm with Isaac. We dealt with visits, court dates and a lot of back-and-forth with Isaac before we were finally able to call him "ours". It was just last year, when his adoption was almost final that I realized what God had done - given us a special gift on the half-year anniversary of getting Pauly. What a cool way to show us that HE had things planned!
I know with all my heart that God created Isaac specifically for us and I love him more and more each day. I am so thankful that God gave us that little rugrat :) Happy half birthday to my little lovie today!!! I can't believe he is already 2 1/2!!

1 comment:

  1. This brought tears to my eyes Bek, thanks for sharing!!
